Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday, October 23rd

Today was the baby shower for my firstborn, Shane Malcom. Granted, he hasn't been born yet, but it's still something to look forward to! The reasons for the name were simple.

1) The name should sound like it's spelled.
2) The name shouldn't have some weird pronunciation that everyone is going to butcher the kids whole life.
3) It should not rhyme with his last name (though it's acceptable for a girl). For ex: Shane Wayne is a no-go.
4) It shouldn't be hard to spell. Let the kid have an easy kindergarten and first grade.
5) Carrie and I wanted something Irish/Scottish sounding that wasn't typical american. I like being a mike, but I have so many friends with the same name we just call each other by our last names.
6) No family names. There was no sense to pick one side over the other. Let the kid make his own name.

Honestly, I'm still partial to Finnegan, but that's more something you give a kid as a middle name. It's the kind of name that a person with a personality will dominate and make the best of....or it's the kind of name that could make someone the target of ridicule the rest of their lives. That's why it's best as a middle name where if it's not a fit for the kid it would remain 'secret.'  I don't know half of my friend's middle names or I just tend to forget them if I don't dredge my memory for them!

Anyway, there was a bit of drama today. Carrie had a panic attack, and she spent the entire baby shower upstairs in the room we stayed at when we lived with my parents. We were late getting there and it was a boatload of stress, but I'm still glad I got to see everybody. The day was filled with work until around 6. Upon waking there was lots of cleaning, followed by house maintenance, diplomacy, the baby shower (fun), and then back home for cutting the bottoms off doors so that they can swing free. When the plumber finally came to install the new toilet, I was cleaning up and dragging in gifts from the baby shower. He was taking his time, so I dug out the shovel to cover the 'skunk hole' in our front yard. On an odd note: the plumber asked for a little extra cash after he was done because of needing to replace a broken flange. When I started to look for my check book he started saying "nevermind, nevermind." I gave him the five bucks I had in my wallets (minus the 2-dollar bill), and he sped away. It's like he was seeking a bribe of some sort.  

The sad thing is, youtube taught me exactly how to do the whole install a month ago. I watched part of the process and it's definitely something I could've done myself. Oh well. You live and you learn, and frankly I was exhausted at that point. Tomorrow, I plan to write! I have a "surprise" IEP meeting that I almost wasn't told about that I need to have a draft for. Plus, there's that whole "I want to write a book" thing.

I'll just have to wait and see how much I get done. Back to watching Big Trouble in Little China.

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