Monday, July 11, 2011

Time for an update! ESY begins

Well, I've been bad about updating again. I blame my busy chore/babysitting schedule! I am being way too productive!

....ok. If you bought that, I have some stock in Blockbuster I want to sell you. I have been busy busy busy with tutoring, starting ESY and taking care of my son and house. All of those things shouldn't have stopped me from writing an occasional sentence or three. The real culprit has been Shogun 2: Total War.

Turn-based games are the devil. I don't play any multiplayer games anymore because I need to be able to drop whatever I'm doing instantly if Shane needs me. Real time games with a pause function are doable, but hopping back and forth every couple of minutes can give you mental whiplash. With turn-based games, I just leave the game running and click around a little bit whenever Shane or my chores gives me a chance. Steam swears I've wracked up over a couple of days worth of play-time, but the reality is far less. Between home and son-ownership, I wonder what I used to do with that luxury called time. It seems like there's never enough of it to actually leave the house for outings.

Anyway, those "idyllic" days of doing laundry, diapers, and staying home all day with Shane are gone. ESY has begun. Carrie's mom is coming up today to spend the night and take care of Shane for a couple of days because both Carrie and I are working full time and my mom is in Beaumont taking care of Jama. The laundry/cat-room got a supreme make-over into a guest bedroom. I think it looks great, but we'll see if it passes the test soon enough!

I plan on doing a Shane update and an ESY post later this week. This update was to get myself back into the habit again.

And on a totally unrelated note: I can't believe Penny hasn't been kicked off Food Network Star yet. I think Vic would be a hilarious frontman for a show, because he looks like a friendly tattooed Vin Diesel.

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