Friday, September 6, 2013

IKEA Visit

Carrie, Shane and I went to IKEA for Labor Day. Shane got to crawl all over furniture, Carrie got to shop, and I got a work out chasing Shane! Thankfully, we got a free breakfast out of it.

IKEA rocks.

Shane really enjoyed himself. I wore myself out dragging him out of crawl spaces and pulling him off the top of random bits of furniture. He scaled everything in sight and tried to play with breakables, as well.

The pictures illustrate my point better than words.

Shane was thrilled with the whole experience for the first hour, but he started to run low on patience afterwards. He was wearing me out when we finally hit the warehouse.

ADHD has taught me that enthusiasm and energy makes everything better.

I got a small workout, and Shane got a thrill. I love how the carts at IKEA can turn on themselves and drive horizontally. It knocks down the top speed you can smoothly roll, but drifting is great fun! I had to spread my base low to prevent any accidents.

Shane was tired and cranky by the time we left. Carrie was upbeat and thrilled she found some deals including a mildly dinged item for 40% off.

Me? I was glad to get out of the house. Family trips are fun!

I only step into an IKEA once every other year or two, but they're one of the many companies I'm a big fan of (Chic-Fil-A, Wegmans, CostCo, Wawa, etc., etc.)

I tell Carrie it's a it's a McCruari thing: we end up being incredibly loyal to what we like.

I follow it up with "...and we're even more loyal to who we love!" I already see that some in Shane. He's very intense about what he likes.

I wonder who and what he'll end up being a fan of when he's older!

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