Saturday, September 5, 2015

First Saturday of the Month!

We may have a new tradition. Carrie works the first Saturday of every month. Her Saturday co-worker, John, has kids.

John's wife started a weekend college course. He brought the boys in and hoped for a slow day.

No one walked through the door, but the boys moved anything but slow.

If it's not already apparent, I 'volunteered' to bring Shane in and help. The boys ran laps around the showroom, bounced on beds, played hide and seek, and made a mess of things. 

They had a blast. We picked up behind them as they went.

Dylan's little brother, Eli, enjoyed jumping from bed to bed, too!

There was enough business to keep Carrie glued to the phone most of the morning. John and I played a zone defense. One of us tended to stay near the older boys and the other would chase down Eli whenever he peeled off from the group.

John had to answer the phone several times, as well, but it wasn't a problem. We both brought loads and loads of toys and snacks.

There was enough "new" in our stuff to enthrall Dylan and Eli and enough "new" in their stuff to mystify Shane. 

We burned an hour and lots of energy before there was any need for an electronics break (it kept the older boys quiet while John and Carrie were helping customers and I entertained Eli).

If John can't find child care next month, Shane and I would be happy to help out again. Maybe I can even train Shane on the phones in case a third call comes through.

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