Saturday, October 9, 2021

New Pony on the Block

A set of headlights appeared Sunday night as I was wrapping up chores. 

The lights swept over the driveway and disappeared....until they reappeared driving through the lawn!

That was by Carrie's direction. She led a truck hauling the smallest trailer I'd ever seen.

And off hopped one of the smallest ponies I'd ever seen, too!

Indy is our newest boarder. He's 12.5 hands and after being on the road for 14 hours all he wanted to do was go for a roll!

Indy spent his first night on property in the arena. It was too dark to introduce him to the herd and he needs a muzzle when on fresh grass to handle the sugars (Which meant Carrie and I had to weed in and around the arena before he arrived!).

He didn't escape, so he got to meet his new barn mates at breakfast Monday.

Heads came up from chewing when Indy walked in.

Indy got stalled between Ernie and Lane.

He makes the stall look huge!

I made the mistake of calling Indy's pattern cow spots. "Leopard spots," Carrie corrected me.

Honestly, it makes me think "cookies and cream" more than leopard!

Indy's owner, Jess, made sure he was settled Sunday night and then came out 8 AM Monday to see how he was doing before she went to work. Ernie and Indy hit it off and were already grooming each other!

To make room amongst the boys, Eddy got switched to the mares' field a few days before Indy's arrival.

If Eddie thought he'd be in heaven, he was wrong. He went from top of the pecking order to the bottom. Abby didn't want her Eowyn anywhere near him and Eowyn didn't want anyone interrupting her eating either. They've kept him at a distance.

Whereas Ernie is right beside his new bff, Indy!

So far, it's been an easy integration. I took the last picture Monday evening and there's a little foreshadowing about a future post in the background.

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