Thursday, April 14, 2011

Long day, but ended on a high note!

It's been a long several weeks with everything that's been going on, and today was no exception.  I woke up at 6:30 AM and didn't get home until 8:00 PM. From there I took care of my son and put him to bed by 8:30, and went into dishes, mail, scooped cat poop, and took out all the trash. Carrie's stressed and sore from her neck hurting and her meds acting funny, and working non-stop on her own work. The two rays of sunshine in my day are hearing about my brother's internship offer, and eating a burrito at Moe's for dinner for the first time in a year.

It's 9:00 PM and I'm ready for a break. I sit down at my computer and log in to my work email (of course).  I relax better if I don't find any fires that may need putting out the next day. What do I find? A bold, new email from a parent I had a meeting with this morning (#4 after a week-long blitz of IEPs and Re-Evals). In my mind, the meeting had gone well, so I'm really curious about what the parent could have wrote. I click on it, and the first thing I notice is that it's addressed to me, my department chair, and the principal of my school. Then, I read the contents:

"Thank you very much for your time today at _________'s IEP. From our experience of being in five different school districts, today's meeting was the most structured and productive we've experienced.  Thank you for being well prepared and thank you for involving ________ before and during the session. 

We appreciate the time you spend with him each week. He seems to connect with your style and background. 

All three of us look forward to continuing to work with you. "

It's made my night. 

This parent can be damn sure that if their kid has any sort of issues, I'm going to be on the scene post haste.

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