Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Wet Diaper is at least a Warm One

Shane's developed a new habit. Whenever I change his diaper, he 'christens' the new one within the next five minutes.

That's right: my son loves himself a warm diaper. I've tried letting him 'air out' a little bit, catching him shortly after he pees, and even just putting the diaper on without fastening both sides, but he remains undeterred. I half suspect that he just finds the new diaper uncomfortable and a little pee warms it right up and molds it just how he likes it. Either that, or it's a baby conspiracy to make me buy more diapers for the landfill in Shane's name.

He's up in bed now. He's become very routine about his bed-time. Actually, he's been very predictable in general for the past month or so. It makes Carrie and I's job a lot easier. I enjoy being able to figure out what it is my son needs and wants rather than bumbling around trying various options until something works or he just gives up and conks out.

It's been a very very busy week at work. I always find it funny that I have so many side activities/jobs going on that teaching only takes up half my day. The rest is spent sorting out a butt-load of bureaucratic bombshells. Well, that may be a bit over-dramatic but I like the alliteration.

Anyway, I'm going to try to finish the book I picked up from a book swap a couple of months ago at school. It's a mystery called Nine Dragons by an author I can't remember the name of off the top of my head. I don't normally read mysteries, but it's been a fun read so far. Then again, maybe I should save it for the training I have to go to tomorrow. Yet another example of the 'bonus jobs' a teacher can get assigned that takes away from actually's the job though.  Every job is going to have something like that, so I guess I should just be happy I have a job that pays the bills. I should probably start printing up directions so that I'm not scrambling in the morning.

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