Monday, June 17, 2013

Missed Stories (and experimenting with alt text)

Sometimes, I look for a link to an old story and realize I never wrote it! I'm always a little sad when I miss out on writing a good story, but I'm blessed that I have so many stories I want to write.

NOTE: My funny alt image texts aren't appearing on my computer. I'm still looking into why.
UPDATE: Apparently I had to use the title command. D'oh. I wrote this on Friday, but was too sleepy to de-bug it.

Billy was a smart man to get married somewhere he could wear sandals

Megan and Billy got married on a private island in Florida!

Geez, my beard is really red in that bright FL light

Kathleen was the most agile pregnant woman I've ever heard of.
She vaulted through the window of a locked van at her twin's bachelorette party.

Actually, that was a great one sentence story with a pic. I'll mark that one off the "funny family stories" list.

A little over a year ago, Carrie and I got to spend two nights at a mountain inn near Lexington, VA for Spring Break. We got to visit some civil war sights and enjoy some 'married' time.

I just noticed the camera holder's shadow is draped across my leg and her hand is almost somewhere inappropriate.

Once upon a time, I wanted to be a ninja when I grew up.

..but the first jobs I ever wanted were "Garbage Man" and "Tree Cutter Man." True story.

My cousin, Chris, and I used to check out Ninja books from the library in Nebraska. I want Shane to have goofy pictures with Cole like I had goofy pictures with Chris.

I'm the second-oldest of all my cousins. Chris is the oldest.
And there are tons of fun stories from my Mom's side of the family! There're another fun loving bunch. Jama's only the tip of that iceberg!

The sweaters are a story unto themselves. No words required.

I hope you enjoyed the photo dump. I added some alt text, so if you mouse over the pictures for a second a comment should appear.

This was more "I'm complaining I'm behind, but I want to try out something new so it's not a complaint post" type of post than a story unto itself. You have to try new things if you want to grow!

1 comment:

  1. You've included one of my favorite pictures.... you and Chris were pretty darn entertaining for the rest of us as you had fun together. It's a blast to be an Auntie! Love you guys! Beth
