Sunday, July 14, 2013

Choco-Taco Cupcakes

My wife made an A+ birthday card at work and somehow got challenged to a cupcake baking contest.

Only my wife could do that! 

Her challenge: to revisit the Choco-Taco as cupcake.

Neither Carrie or I had ever had a Coho-Taco. I bought a four pack for Dan and I, but Carrie partook, as well.

I can't say we were impressed, but a challenge is a challenge.

Carrie nailed it. The things were massive. I talked a big game, but only got halfway through one before it felt like I had a bowling ball in my gut.

Last, I heard my wife was winning the competition. It was a two-parter, though. Her next assignment involved Starbursts....

Only my wife! Her passion and zeal are one of the many reasons I love her!

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