Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Backlogged Part 4: Did a Month Really Pass?

Has a month really passed since Shane, Carrie, and I found that fancy new library? It feels like it wasn't THAT long ago!

Carrie discovered apple pears at the farmer's market in the parking lot while Shane and I went inside to be amazed.

Our county is trying to slash headcounts and hours at our libraries, but this one had people at desks in every corner of the place and fancy murals on the wall.

They even had PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U games alongside their Blu-Ray collection! The place smelled of money to burn. It was high-tech with eBook browsing/check-out stations, terminals to swipe your credit card or phone to pay fines, and (Shane's personal favorite) elevators!

I took a bunch of pictures to send to my friend and former library co-worker, John, to try and blow his mind. I've always been a big reader and I spent four years working as a library page through college, so buildings full of free books will always hold some interest to me.

What was really cool was when Shane and I stumbled onto a "singing" class. It was a packed house. Most of the kids looked younger than Shane (babies through 24 months or so), but when the librarian started singing he was hooked. He laughed, he pantomimed along with motions, and sang along as soon as he got the tune. I expected to do a drive-by and pull Shane out before he became a distraction, but we stayed enrapt. Carrie eventually found us!

Lesson learned: Shane loves sing-alongs. We haven't stumbled across another one, but now that he won't get music class at day-care anymore we're going to have to keep our eyes out. Shane's become hot and cold with books, but he's consistently in love with music (just not anything I try to play).

1 comment:

  1. I like Shane's excited face....being expressive must run in the family.
