Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Bamboo Counteroffensive

It was time. 

It was past time.

Shane and I spent Saturday morning dealing with bamboo.

Back before:

Back after:

Side before:

Side after: The shadow moved......or the sun.

I wanted Shane to throw leaves into the brush. He's been asking when we could cut bamboo. In my head, I figured it would be 30 minutes of effort out of him max with plenty of time for him to dwaddle and play in between.

Instead, he cried and wanted to go inside and I wouldn't let him. Carrie was at the stable. He was still whining and not working when she got home. He'd whined long enough it became a matter of principle (He didn't earn any sympathy from Mommy when he dropped a tiny rock in the new air conditioner, either).

It ended well. Shane was upset and refused to help way longer than I planned, but he rallied at the end. It's amazing how he can go from "This is the worst day ever!" to "Look, Daddy! Aren't I doing a good job?" Hopefully, it was a lesson in mental toughness and, "Just do it and we're done, kid."

We went inside for some earned electronics time. Round 2 will wait for another day.

1 comment:

  1. Good job getting hlm to work with you! Thats so good for Shane. We sure love reading your blogs.
