Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SCA in the rain

Let it be known, I'm a huge nerd. However, I'm also a competitive nerd who likes competitive sports. I quit Brazilian Jiu Jitsu due to time and money, and I've been sorely missing both BJJ and wrestling ever since.

That's where the SCA comes in. Remember when you used to run around as a kid and hit things with sticks or pool noodles? (No? That's okay, too.) Eventually, you got large enough that swinging a stick at someone would cause some damage and you were too old for that stuff anyway. The SCA looks like a good excuse to run around and go medieval. I'm 100% in favor of fun and violent exercise. Besides, if I want to learn how to write about fight scenes including swords, I should probably learn a little bit about them.

I showed up at a weapons practice a couple of weeks ago, and then I showed up again today. Sadly, a storm front was moving through, so I only got to watch some historical fencing - a longsword versus a rapier-dagger combination. Then the rain came through, and ended the practice before I could strap on some loaner gear.

It looks like a great amount of fun, but I want to try before I buy.  I used to pay $130 a month for BJJ, so even if I have to pay a couple of hundred dollars for equipment, the SCA should be much cheaper in the long run. Yes, BJJ was that expensive, but I really missed wrestling, and (believe it or not) that was fairly cheap for what many of those programs go for around here.

More on the SCA next Tuesday!

Writing -
I had an idea for a quick piece of flash fiction this morning. I sketched it out on a clipboard, and then when it was silent reading/journal writing time at work, I started to type it out. I went ahead and submitted it, because the worst that can happen is I get a rejection note. I enjoyed writing, and it only took a day. At the best, I could be published.

No risk, no gain.

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