Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time: There's never enough or there's too much.

It's a question for the ages, isn't it? I remember a character in Catch 22 by Joseph Heller who was obsessed with being as bored as possible. That way, he'd be able to wring the most out of every second life gave him.

Today, I've already had a bit of both. The new mattress was scheduled to be delivered between 7 and 10 AM. Who does deliveries that early? The people at Mattress Discounters!  They actually arrived at 8:00, but the damage was already done. Carrie was up around 6:30 and started cleaning. At around 7, she ripped the sheets out from under me to make sure the mattress was ready to be moved. I was stubborn and dozed on and off until about 7:30. I must say, it was nice waking up to a house cleaned to Carrie standards.

The plan was for Kathleen and Stu to come pick up our old mattress for their apartment. They didn't have a bed, and ours kept hurting my pregnant wife's hips so it's not like we wanted it to stick around. However, while we kept going back and forth about the time, Carrie took a nap. A long one (3 hours!). Kathleen and Stu would just have to wait.

While Carrie slept, I suddenly had more time than I knew what to do with myself. I worked on rewriting my second Janod story, played League of Legends, starting reading some Tozer, and tried to kill time. Normally, you'd think time would fly while I got to sit on my bum with Avatar: The Last Airbender on in the background. It felt longer than it really was though, in part because I was constantly expecting Carrie to wake up and didn't really want to start anything. I enjoyed myself, but I think I would've been more productive if I realized how much time I was going to have.

Kathleen and Stu eventually got to come over. They bought Carrie and I Panera as a 'thank you', we hitched up the mattress and bedsprings on top of his jeep, and wished them well. The weatherman wasn't predicting rain, so Stu was proclaiming "we're screwed!" Nothing fell off as they rolled out of the neighborhood, so all's well that doesn't end where the neighbors can blame you.

Hopefully, the rest of the day will be as relaxing as the beginning. I hope to get some writing done, and play some games with whoever is on tonight.

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