Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Father thing and survey

I'm getting better at this whole parenting thing. This past Friday, I woke up at 4:40 to feed Shane, finished around 5:25 and then stayed up to do dishes, trash, and clean, because I figured there was less than an hour until the alarm clock was going to go off anyways. I took a book break after the chores for about 10 minutes when a sudden thought made my blood turn cold. The alarm clock. It was still on. I dropped my book and sprinted up the stairs as stealthily as I could. With my night-blind eyes I managed to (mostly) quietly stumble through the bedroom and turn off the alarm clock at 6:19. I waited a few seconds to see just how close I'd caught it, but it looks like it wasn't quite a movie moment. By my count there was somewhere between 20 and 30 seconds left before I stopped the blasted thing. Oblivious, Carrie slept through the whole encounter. From there, I showered, made my breakfast, and headed off to work as per the usual.

Having a kid has given me a lot more respect for parents in general. It's a crap ton of work (at least if you want to be a good parent). I could easily see some become bitter with just how quickly a baby comes in and takes over all of your time and energies. For me, Shane gives me a sense of purpose and duty so I don't mind it at all. The little bugger needs, me and I love my son so all of the work in taking care of the house, child, and wife doesn't bother me. It's just par for the course. I think I'm starting to understand my dad more. It always seemed like he was working and doing things when I was a kid, and back then I just thought he enjoyed working. Now, I think he just wanted to get things done that his family needed done. That's the way I feel at least.

A few quick questions I figure I may answer every year from now on:

February 2011
Children: Shane (2.5 months)
Pets: Min and Max (two tuxedo cats)
Where do we live: Northern VA
Profession: Education
Average amount of sleep per night: 6-7 hours.
Average drive to work: 12-15 minutes there and 20-55 minutes on the way home (35-40 avg) due to traffic.
Distance to work: 9 miles
Bed time: anywhere from 9:30-10:30. 11:00 is not uncommon on weekends.
Alarm clock: 6:20
Leave for work: 7:10
Return home from work: usually around 4:30-5:00
People I talk to most on the phone: My grandparents, my wife, and then Matt and Mom.
What I do to relax: Read, browse the internet, and play simple games like PuzzleQuest 2. I'll watch stuff on Netflix while Shane feeds too.
What I do for "quality time" with my wife: Change diapers, watch TV, and lots of SG-1 on Netflix. We finished up Star Trek DS9 and the Next generation last year. We're just now starting to use the TVs again instead of streaming everything on the computer.
Extracurricular activities/hobbies: I'd like to start doing the SCA again. It was a lot of fun and I need to get back in shape. Plus, it's a lot cheaper than when I took BJJ.
Future plans/goals: Write, write, write! Also, I may want to go back to school for a PhD to try teaching at the college level. I would like to teach at all there levels of school (Elementary, Middle, and High) and when the economy is better I would like to try another tour of duty at a center or an alternative school (a run in the trenches!). I'd also love to sell our house for a big profit in 5-6 years when/if the housing market turns around so we can have a yard. I need to read my Bible more and invest more too.
Coolest thing lately: Aside from a ton of baby moments, my friend, Iggs, dropped by to visit on Saturday and my wife brought home some surprise sushi. I got to show a friend my son for the first time and stuff my stomach.

I'm going to try to take this survey every year or so to see how things change. It might be educational.

Sleep beckons.

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