Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wandering Boys

Friday, Shane and I took the Prius to get an oil change. I used to do all my own oil changes, but it's a lot harder when you're in charge of a three year old.

Plus, it was cold.

I'm allowed to be a little lazy in my old age and fatherhood. The coupon kept it cheap.

It was the day of our planned road trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa, so I wanted it done before logging a couple hundred miles.

Shane and I did what we do best while the car was in the shop: we explored.

I like to look around new areas whenever possible. I try different routes to different places on random days to update the map in my head and keep from getting bored.

Shane's a big fan of running around new places, too. The only point we disagree on is how many times we need to ride the elevator before moving on.

We were heading back to the shop when I noticed what looked to be an abandoned building behind the auto-shop.

It required more exploring.

The structures reminded me of some sort of truck depot, but I couldn't place anything for sure. The outdoor roofs over all the asphalt were tall and slanted. You can see them in the background if you zoom in behind Shane's head.

We walked around front, but I couldn't find any old lettering on windows or any other clues. I took a picture of the address, so maybe I'll look it up if I ever remember and have time.

I'm curious by nature and Shane seems to share the trait. I believe if you're bored, you're not trying hard enough. Ask questions, think, be active and keep positive unless you enjoy the boredom.

We would have kept poking around, but the shop called to tell us the car was ready. I still needed to pack!

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