Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Pop

Sunday, we celebrated Pop's 60th Birthday!

It's almost impossible to get all of the family assembled. We are always running every which direction! Nana asked me to post everything I took, so here's the deluge.

First, the patriarch!

Ironically, almost every picture with both Nana AND Pop looking at the camera was blurred. C'est la vie!

I quickly snapped off this shot when everyone was seated. It's the only picture I have with my wife in it! I don't know how I managed that one.

I have to zoom in to show off Carrie's crown. Her lobster bib said "Queen Crab." Carrie immediately rolled up a napkin to mark her coronation.

The back of Nana's head blocked Jama in the first shot. I caught her photo-bomb eating in this pic of Matt and Renee.

Jama smiled as I strafed down the table to catch Cole. Stu played with the napkins (always important with little kids).

We were all very happy to be eating outside. It was 80 degrees and not too humid. A perfect summer evening.

We don't go to Joe's for the food, though. We go because they have an indoor playground. There's nothing better for running the energy out of the kids while the adults converse. Shane and Cole were ready to sit by the time the food arrived.

Cole made a discovery: How to go down a slide head first. He must have gone down at least sixty times from what I witnessed.

Shane followed suit. Both the boys desperately wanted to play with Nana.

Sharing is caring, boys.

Stu was the official bottom of the slide greeter for much of the night.

No one stayed in place for long.

I tried to stick my bib on Shane like a cape. The moment lasted 15 seconds tops.

It was a fun night. If you look in the background, you'll even see I was able to pawn my son off on Uncle Matt for a while.

We love family where I'm from! I hope that Shane will feel loved and love the family the same way as he grows up. 

Happy Birthday, Pop! 

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