Thursday, July 3, 2014

Kim and Ryan's Wedding: The Reception

Kim and Ryan's reception was held at a country club. Pennsylvania has some beautiful landscapes!

Everyone hung out while we waited for Kim and Ryan to make their appearances. Tired was etched into Shane's face. He was also all done with waiting! 

When he saw Kim and Ryan drive by the terrace for some final pictures he said, "Daddy! I need them!" He wanted to dash off in pursuit. I managed to compromise: we walked out part of the way (to the "No one past here" sign) and we hid behind a bush. 

"Surprise!" Shane yelled. Kim and Ryan laughed as they drove by. Shane didn't understand why the golf cart didn't stop. He wanted to go with them!

Shane could not be contained. He got to walk in with Mommy for introductions, and then he wanted to yell out and join the toasts, prayers, and speeches that kick off a wedding! He would've jumped in on the first dances if I'd let him.

He got his chance at the dance floor soon enough!

My son is a dancing boy. I may have to get him some lessons or he'll look like me out there. 

By the way, Shane is NOT shy.

Shane wanted to get out there and strut his stuff! All of his energy spilled out in a torrent. Several people almost squashed him, so I was very thankful whenever he had dance partners to reign him in. Lord knows, he didn't want to dance with Dad.

Carrie, Shane, and I sat at a table with Grandma, Grandpa, and the adult members of the bride's family. 

Shane caught our server, Charlie, in a candid photo. Phones are awesome for keeping feral toddlers occupied.

Photography classes may ensue. Less fingers would show up for sure.

Grandma and Grandpa borrowed my phone for a selfie. Can you spot why I married my wife?

Photobomb success, Care-bear!

There was a photo-booth outside that was supposed to get the silly out of our system before the meal, but we're a playful family.

Hopefully, Shane will remember me as fun and not just the "Get off the floor!" guy at the wedding.

Throughout it all, Ryan and Kim kept smiling. They made rounds and talked to everybody. It's a lot of work getting married! They looked like they enjoyed it.

It would've been fun to hang out and enjoy the night with them once all the food and obligations were finished. Wedding receptions are usually a ton of fun. There's friends, food, cake...

Did I mention the cakes yet?

The cakes looked amazing! 

Both of them!

We didn't get to try it sadly. It was after 8 PM when we packed up a cranky Shane for an hour drive back for bedtime. The cake hadn't been served by then. I get hungry looking at the pictures.

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