Monday, January 4, 2016

The New Beta

Carrie brought home a surprise from the pet store.

At least it was cheaper than last time. Our previous fish didn't survive tank cleaning and moving. I thought we'd kicked the fish habit, but I was wrong.

Our instinct for trouble came next: We introduced the cats to the fish.

River was terrified.

Bucket didn't want anything to do with the beta either. I half-suspect she thought Carrie placing her on the counter was some sort of trap.

Max was the only one who showed any spirit.

She tried to escape, too, but Carrie held her long enough for the fish to catch her eye.

Shane enjoyed the show.

He's probably the biggest threat to the fish's health. He wants to feed it a lot. He asked at least five times a day the first couple of days we had Red Rocket-Jaw (as Shane dubbed him).

1 comment:

  1. Red Rocket-Jaw is a big name for such a little fish. LOL Only Shane!
