Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost St. Patty's Day

Shane looks like he was worth a pretty penny on our tax return. Who knew babies could be profitable? We only had to buy furniture, diapers, toys, clothes....well, ok so maybe they're not profitable, but getting money returned instead of chipping a little extra into the pot goes a long way towards taking the sting out of tax season. It totally boosts my morale. I budget my income based on my normal monthly take-home and the "tax bonus" in April/May gets put aside for special projects/investments.

Fatherhood is more pressure than I imagined. I look at my little guy, and I can't help but think I have to not only do a good job today and tomorrow, but I've got to keep it up for the next twenty some odd years. That means I need to do a good job at work to provide for him, curb unnecessary spending, maintain a healthy marriage, and be a good role model all at the same time.  I know I'm going to falter (I am human), and even in those mistakes I have to show my son how to react appropriately to error. It's definitely something I think and pray about more often.

I introduced Shane to the ceiling fan this morning. No, it's out of my reach. He's safe. I did lay him down on the bed and turn it on so that he could stare bug-eyed at the movement. It was fascinating for him.

It sounds like he's stirring from his impromptu nap. Time to make a bottle and check in on him.

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