Monday, March 21, 2011

Shane's new trick and allergies

Shane's discovered that he can lift up his legs in a reverse situp and grab one with his hands.  He's making all sorts of baby noises the whole time he's doing it too. He's also learned that once his feet are straight up in the air, he can roll up onto his side. It's pretty friggin cute (as Carrie would say!).

The little runt finally passed out so I get some free time now. Carrie was feeling sick from eating, get this, CHICKEN! I didn't even know that was possible. Carrie had a headache and she said she started feeling congested too, so I can't help but wonder if it's some sort of allergic reaction to something. Supposedly, they are people out there with chicken allergies. Wouldn't that be horrible?  Chicken allergies and peanut allergies would have to be the two worst allergies I could imagine (especially with my diet). Care-bear went to bed around 8, and she seems like she's down for the night.

I've managed to develop an allergy to something myself.  I suspect the cats. My nose has been bothering me for a while now, and I really started to sneeze my brains out the past week. Poor Shane must've startled awake a dozen times from me spraying the floor with what felt like my brains coming out my nostrils.  I took an antihistamine on Sunday at my Mom's and it felt like someone stuck a vacuum cleaner up my nose.  There were no sneezes for the next five and a half hours or even the sensation of snot in my nose. That tells me that SOMETHING is making me have a reaction, it's just a matter of finding out what.  Unfortunately, the medicine wasn't of the non-drowsy variety and it kicked my butt. I ended up feeling less congested sick and more something is up with my head/murky/achy sick. Next time, I'll stick with the congestion.

I have about 50 minutes of freedom left until bedtime. Should I do dishes, grade papers, or play a game? Decisions, decisions, decisions...

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