Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I don't like to discuss politics, but a historic moment is only a couple of weeks away so I guess I should say something.

Frankly, I don't like either guy much (Romney v Obama). It feels like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" sort of election. Somebody's going to win, life will go on, and hopefully whoever is in office won't do anything too stupid.

My big problem with American politics is we treat anyone who doesn't agree with us as an enemy. It's Republicans vs Democrats...FIGHT! There's no discourse, only discord in that mentality. Politics is not meant to be a sport. You're not supposed to blindly cheer for your 'team' without bothering to think about issues or research your position. I can't say I'm always the poster child of good citizenship since I'm busy, but at least I know I should do it. I'm not sure it even registers for some people out there.

I may vote for a third part like Mickey Mouse as a protest. Yes, it's throwing away a vote in some ways, but I think that the two party system of "throw lots of mud," "don't work with the other guy because it'll hurt your party," and "anyone who disagrees with us is anti-american" will one day be the death of the US.

So there.

That's my political piece.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is the election maps. I always think it's hilarious to look at different news sites and see which states they're awarding to who. It's usually a bluntly clear picture of how biased they are or are not. I don't know why, but it amuses me.

Wait, I lied. I'm also looking forward to all of the political commercials to end. They get really annoying and feel like an insult to intelligence in general.

Okay. I'm all done now.  I have more pictures to sort through to finish my post on Shane and I's walks, but I spent most of my free time on my online course and this. I have my other course tomorrow, so I probably won't finish it until Thursday.  Friday is Parent's Night Out and Carrie and I are going out to eat with Dan, our renter, and his girlfriend before we have to pick Shane back up for bedtime at 8 PM. That'll be fun!

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