Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today was Valentine's Day...

...and I didn't ruin it!

In my afternoon Basic Skills class, I made my room of boys make cards.

I told them "You're about at the age Valentine's Day becomes a trap. Either you'll have someone who expects something from you or you'll wish you had someone who expected from you. Here's what we're going to do..."

I proceeded to point out materials and tell the boys they had to make a card for their mom, grandma, aunt, sister, or a friend.

The goal is simple: get in the habit of making something for someone on Valentine's Day. If you're not dating someone, give it to someone (like your mom) as a nice surprise.

We men aren't always known for our thoughtfulness and I told the boys that a surprise gift is worth double the points of an expected ones.

One of my little smart-alecks asked, "Wouldn't it just be easier to buy some flowers and a cupcake?"

I replied "Sure, if you were old enough to drive and had money."

"I have money. $53."

"And how are you going to get somewhere to spend it?"

The discussion ended with an "Oh."

Overall, I'd say the lesson went well!

On the home-front  I left work on time to surprise my wife. I picked up flowers, wrote "I love you and I will support your new fish habit," and raced home to beat traffic!

It would have worked if Carrie was home. She called me when I was halfway home to say she just picked up Shane from Nana's. D'oh!

I did some dishes and stayed on the line until Carrie and Shane got home.

I wanted to do something funny. I ran up stairs, took my shirt off and grabbed a tie (don't worry - I still had pants so as not to scar Shane). I grabbed the flowers and was ready to greet my wife when I saw the rear end of Dan's work van through the window.

Then I ran back up the stairs, grabbed my shirt and threw it back on over the tie, and ran back downstairs with the flowers! The awkward moment was avoided!

My big gift for Carrie was still en route for UPS while we played with Shane and dinner slowly cooked. The weather was nice and by a stroke of fortune, Shane and I were walking up and down the street when the UPS man arrived. Shane tried to climb into his truck as I nabbed my gift.

I bought my wife a Rainbow Dash hooded sweatshirt.

The rationale was "I want to support ALL your quirky habits!" Carrie was surprised and thrilled.

Dan took a picture to send to his girlfriend while Carrie held up a sign: Now 20% Cooler!"

Do you know who else was mystified by the hoodie?

Shane would not leave Carrie alone. He's been a huge Mommy's boy lately, but this was over the top. He would demand Carrie play horse and try to grab ears, hair, and oddly placed eyes! The giggle did not stop. At one point, Carrie started her hide and seek game with Shane with the hood on.

He loved it.

Thankfully, he went to bed. Carrie set out the baby table and a dinner for two. There was roast beef, potatoes, biscuits, and a rose. Carrie gave me a card and after we had ice cream for desert she gave me an expansion pack to our Dominion game (Prosperity).

I have an awesome wife and I had an awesome end to the day.

Happy Valentine's Day one and all.

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