Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where does the time go?

You'd think there'd be more time to post, but where does the time go?

10 Things I've noticed about Shane
1. The kid has a periscope for a neck. He just throws his head up there and spins it around.
2. He kicks like a mule. Especially when I'm attempting to change diapers.
3. The mule kicks scootch Shane across the diaper changing station like some sort of upside-down back-crawling technique.
4. The only time Shane really really wails is when he's hungry (which is very often) or when taking a bath.
5. Shane shows he doesn't like baths by pooping in the towel.
6. Shane has a sense of humor. He likes to poop and/or pee after I've switched out a dirty diaper. I call it the "Daily Double."  Sometimes he does it immediately, other times he does it within 10-15 minutes of the change.
7. New Year's Eve marked the first time Shane has started sleeping for large chunks at night. He doesn't do it every night, but I hope he'll be getting more regular.
8. Shane actually likes it when I sing. I swear to Bob. The kid will probably change his mind once he hears real music.
9. He's growing. Shane is putting on about half a pound a week. He's more alert than he used to be, and he stays up for large chunks of time during the day.
10. Shane can sense whenever Carrie or I try to do any sort of non-Shane focused activity. He started to nap today, so Carrie and I went downstairs so I could show her Fat Princess for PS3. Within minutes, he was crying. I tried calming him and then returning to play three times, but it turns out Shane just wanted some company.

What frustrates me the most:
The pacifier. When Shane is worked up, I'll know he wants his pacifier. However, the little stink won't close his mouth on it for some reason. He'll just sit there snorting and rooting and then crying even though it's in his mouth and available. Or, I'll finally calm him down with it and he'll punch the sucker right out of his own mouth and start crying all over again.

What I'm the most proud of:
He's a cute little stink. He also seems to be generally good-natured except when hungry. I'm really looking forward to seeing him grow up.

What I've learned
I've learned that all those times I thought I never really had enough time I was dead wrong. I didn't know the meaning of "not having enough time" until Shane came along. There's always something to do whether it's wash bottles, laundry, diapers, feeding, or taking care of my wife.

Ah. I feel better. I posted something!  That's one out of 100 things on my to-do list that I haven't done. Groceries tomorrow! We've been going through milk like there's no tomorrow.  I don't even bother to check for the best expiration dates anymore, because it won't last more than three or four days.

Back to the trenches!

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