Sunday, December 4, 2011

My apologies

My apologies to the two people who may read this, all of the Russian ping bots, and myself for not updating in a while.  Shane skipped walking-walking and he's more into a power-walk and opening doors. I've had to focus more on watching him than typing while he plays.

The little tyke just went down for a nap a little over half an hour ago. Instead of taking a break, that was my cue to RUSH and get as many chores in motion as I could, so that I could take the latter part of his nap off. I've hung up laundry, showered, shaved, carted down new laundry, washed dishes, washed bottles, and grabbed clothes to change Shane into when he wakes up. No single task is extraordinarily difficult or time consuming, but it's hard to do while Shane's awake.

I'm going to try and update a bunch this week, but we'll see if I hold true to my word. I need to keep getting things ready right now, because we're going to go celebrate his first birthday at my parent's house!  It's hard to believe it's already been that long since Shane came along.

Adios for now.

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