Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shane 11-Month Update!

EDIT: This is another post resurrection. That's why it's also shorter than the other month updates.

The 11-month mark for Shane came at the beginning of November. It was an exciting time, because Shane was teasing us constantly. The boy was soooo close to walking!  Shane refused to stay in one place. He was always standing, crawling, or cruising around the downstairs. Min and Max had not yet learned how dangerous a little boy is when you're a fuzzy chew toy with tail to yank! Shane managed to creep up on them several times with his newfound speed. After some painful lessons, the girls learned to stay away. Ranger was a bit more dense. Carrie has some great photos of the boys sleeping together. The hope is that Ranger will grow up and be "Shane's Cat" in the way that Carrie has claimed Max and Min seems to have claimed me. At the moment, Ranger is more of an attention hound and he doesn't care who gives it to him. After all, in his mind, it's the attention he richly deserves! It must be nice to believe the world revolves around you and owes you everything.

Anyway, Shane is growing up quickly! He's clocking in around 25 pounds, looking cuter and cuter, and moving more and more! Nana is loving having him over, and every one who sees him can't stop commenting on what a cute boy he is. Shane still sits with us on the couch in the atrium for church services. He's quiet for the music, but starts to sing out-loud whenever Pastor John starts to preach! I think he's just trying to help out, but the boy has a good set of lungs. He projects and the acoustics of the sanctuary make sure he's heard. Plus, Shane does not want to sit for ANY length of time. I spend most of the church service holding Shane's hands as he walks and crawls around.

You know, if the boy ever tried to slow down and WALK instead of run everywhere he wouldn't need to hold my hands to keep his balance. He's soooo close to walking! Both Carrie and I are sure it'll happen before the year-mark.

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