Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I meant to post last night, but I never got a chance. Carrie was busy trying to design a tattoo for me.


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If you don't know me, I am white bread. Plain. I am a ginger going brunette. I don't have tattoos, I have moles (the joy of Irish skin).

A tattoo is something I've thought about for years. I never pulled the trigger on that idea for many reasons...many of which are found here:

My problem isn't with getting a tattoo, it's with getting a tattoo that has a significant enough meaning to me that I'm not going to look back five years from now and regret being stuck with it. I'm also not a fan of when people cover their entire body from head to toe in tats. The idea of getting one that I'm merely okay with to kick things off and getting a better one later doesn't appeal to me at all.

I forget how it came up, but I made a comment about getting a tattoo in passing in front of my wife on Monday.  Instead of becoming revolted at the idea, my wife has become enchanted with it. She spent over three hours last night doing finishing touches on a 'draft' of some tat ideas she came up with. Can you imagine my surprise? I was planning on playing a little King's Bounty, but Carrie was so engrossed in what she was doing I don't think she even noticed time passing by!

When Carrie asked what I was looking for, I told her I wanted something "simple, small, in a place easy to conceal, and probably something religious, because of what my faith means to me. Oh, and maybe it would be woad blue, because I clearly look at least a little Irish."  I told Carrie I might want a simple celtic cross, a triskele, or some other simple imagery. For me, the tattoo would be largely about the experience and the tattoo itself would be a small memento.

My wife may have embellished on that a little...

This is just one of her drafts.  My wife is very talented when it comes to aesthetics and designing things.  She also designed a tattoo for herself if she ever decided to get one and showed a few of her friends online. Now, she's taking requests! Too funny.

I am thinking about getting a tattoo for my birthday, but I don't want to drop a lot of money into what I feel is essentially a vanity piece. I do think it would be cool to have whatever I get to be designed by my wife. That way, she'd be involved and less likely to divorce me on the spot!

It's a process.  I do think it's a really cool design.  I'm not sure I'm in shape enough to pull something off like that on my shoulder and I'm not sure how big the design would have to be to look decent. If I do go through with this, I want to be as certain as I can be since I'll be stuck with it for a while!

On a side note: I hope that Shane inherits at least some of Carrie's art talent.  Whenever there's a project to be done she dives right on it. I'm still amazed at some of the things she's pulled around the house.

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