Sunday, April 13, 2014

A New Cat Enters the Fray

"Mike! Come downstairs! Quick!" my wife yelled.

Wait. What's that on my wife's back?

It's Jack the cat! My brother-in-law's family is selling their house and moving to Florida. Chris asked Grandma and Grandpa to take Jack off their hands temporarily. Grandma's cat, Boo, is anti-other-felines, so Carrie offered to cat-sit in their stead (cat delivery was a major reason they drove up to visit Thursday).

The allergies will suck, but Jack is an awesome cat. Everyone loves him.

Jack is absurdly friendly.

He's also stupid.

It's a potentially lethal combination. He runs up to Shane and plops down on his belly. Shane loves to pet/manhandle him.

Roxy's curious, too.

Jack's not so fond of Roxy.

However, the little [cat] stinkers seem to have grown far more confident in numbers. Max and Jack will roam the kitchen whenever Roxy is locked up and even wander the main floor when she's loose.

I find the resulting hijinks funny. Carrie's a little more sensitive about it. Roxy doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She's very curious about the cats and willingly takes a few bonks on the nose for a quick sniff.

Yes sir, Jack has been a funny addition. He was a lot of fun when we cat sit him prior to Shane and cat allergies. He's the only cat I've known to perch on top of open doors and to crawl under the covers to wrap around feet. We keep the door to our bedroom shut now that he's a plague bearer. I do my best not to touch him, because I remember how Ranger caused my sinuses to flare. I've had a cold/laryngitis for long enough to add allergies to the mix.

Jack's worth it, though. He's a funny cat. Besides, it's only temporary, right?

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