Friday, April 11, 2014

Family Weekend - April 2014

Last weekend the gang was all back in town. Megan globe-hopped from New Delhi, to Japan, to Nebraska, and then to Virginia. Kathleen and Cole drove up from South Carolina, and Patrick drove in from JMU. It was a sibling sized family reunion! 

I'm behind on posting, so I'm going to let the pics do a lot of the talking for me.

Friday, Shane and Cole spent the day playing together.

It was a good lesson in sharing Pop for Shane!

After work, I arrived to photograph some Moon Sand fun.

It was a good chance to see my sisters again, too. They are both expecting and due this year.

Saturday, Carrie, Shane, Roxy, and I all went over to visit.

Sunday, Patrick drove up and the family met for dinner. Who would have thought we'd accidentally choose a restaurant with an indoor playground

I was on Shane duty most of the night, so I didn't get many pictures of the table-dwellers. Here's the best shot I had of Patrick. Carrie made a face for the only picture of her I had. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to post it.

I wish I had more pictures! I was too busy enjoying everyone being together, though. I wouldn't give that up! Shane loves being part of a big group, too. He slept well every night. Hopefully, we'll all be able to get together again soon!

I'll go through and add my alt-texts later. It's bedtime!

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