Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter All!

The Lord is risen!

It's a beautiful day, and I'm looking forward to visiting my family after Carrie and Shane wake up from their naps.

I have reason to be extra thankful today!  Carrie, Shane, and I just got back from our Spring Vacation last night. The goals were threefold: 1) Visit Carrie's parents, 2) get a little alone time and free childcare, and 3) stay out of our house so we wouldn't mess it up now that we got it all pretty for prospective buyers.

Mission accomplished!

While driving back late yesterday, the cell phone range and woke Shane up half an hour from home. It was our agent. We had an offer! Carrie squealed. Shane looked on baffled. I just smiled.

After Shane went to bed on Saturday, we got a second call from our agent. Forty-five minutes later, we'd waded through the contract and electronically crossed all the t's and dotted the i's. Our buyer offered our full asking price! We're ecstatic. Now, it's just got to appraise well and we'll be well on our way to closing June 6th. Thank you, God!

One member of my napping family just woke up. I can hear the singing. I'll leave it to you to guess if it's Carrie or Shane.

Signing off!

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