Friday, April 13, 2012

You know what sucks?

Giving Shane medicine sucks.

He treats it like you're killing him and he'd rather die than swallow. I tried giving him some of the Claritin he was prescribed tonight. Shane fought, and fought, and then upchucked. It's like trying to hold down a thrashing bull. We were able to mask the Tylenol and Amoxicillin for his ear infection in some strawberry puree, but he decided he didn't want to eat the whole serving.

That boy is trouble. You really want to help him, but you become the enemy if he sees a baby syringe or if he tastes anything slightly off. Sickness is preferable to giving in. My friend, Igor, made the joke that I'm "raising a little alpha male," because it's Shane's way or the highway. I predicted Shane's going to have a stubborn streak to him way back when and nothing I've seen has changed my mind since.

That could be a good thing.

A stubborn child now, could mean a young man later who won't give in to peer pressure or wimp out of doing what needs to be done. It could also mean a total jackass who refuses to admit he's ever wrong, but there's always two sides to every coin. You can't get the great without risking the other.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to think of more creative ways to get Shane to take his meds. It doesn't do the turd any good if he spits it all out or throws up because he's trying to thrash and swallows wrong. Carrie and I need to set up the appointment to meet with the allergist, as well. Two weeks of constant clear snot are what brought about the ear infection. Shane's had trouble sleeping from the snot, too. The boy is probably allergic to pollen, which really sucks because he lives to be outside. We'll have to play it by ear.

Almost time for rest. I've been around throw-up twice today.There was puke on desk in school and Shane winged me with some upchuck tonight. I need to sleep so I can deal with Shane while Carrie's at work. I don't want a vomit threepeat on the morrow!

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