Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ah, The Great Outdoors!

Katie asked Carrie to look at a moped with her, so Shane and I went on an adventure. He was resistant until he saw some large rocks.

Then he didn't want to leave the rocks. I had to drag him along until we found a bridge. The bridge lead to a creek...

...and then Shane didn't want to stop. "Daddy, let's go on an adventure!"

Once Shane builds up steam he doesn't like course corrections! I had to force him walk down the street to the park we found. He was happy to play once we got there!

And in true Shane fashion, he didn't want to leave there either! The other kids skedaddled, but he wanted them all to come back. Shane was pretty tired by the end and wanted to piggyback home. Only he wasn't that tired. He wanted me to run with him piggyback. "Daddy, I'm giving you running energy! Now you can run!" (Note: it didn't work.)

I left him sweaty and asked Carrie to check him for ticks. Then I headed back north.

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