Saturday, May 14, 2011

Old writings

I haven't managed to write anything for the last....well, really long time ago. I think September. With work, chores, and Shane keeping me busy, it may be a little bit before I start the routine again. Plus, Dexter's gift of Starcraft 2 is eating up my little free time (Thanks again, btw. You totally had me surprised when it showed up.)

It's all amateur work, but I'm still proud that I wrote as much I wrote, so I figured I'd post it here in case anyone was interested.

Here's the first story I wrote. It was an attempt at humor in the BattleTech universe. It actually warranted a "fun read, but I'll have to pass" rejection email from the editor.

Here's a quick flash fiction I tried writing for a (shock) flash fiction website. Never fully edited this one, so it may read a little rough.

Finally, here's where most of my time went. I started writing a 'science fantasy' story. I have notes and I'd like to get back to it, but here's what I did so far.


  1. Hey there Mikallo. I would strongly suggest to set up a blog over at Word Press. I can help walk you through setting up a writing / gaming blog over there if you would like.

    I'm kinda working right now, so I'll try to give you some feedback on these soon.

  2. Hey Trav! Thanks for the comment. I looked at word press, but since I'm not actively writing at the moment I'm just maintaining a simple journal here. Originally, it was going to be all about writing projects, but Shane moved in and took over. I'm sure you know how that goes with your merry little horde! I plan to look back and flip through this blog some years down the line to see what sort of joys/troubles I faced when Shane was still a tiny guy.

    I was clicking through your blog the other day. Looks like you're fully under way! Where do you find the time with three kids?

  3. Mikallo! :)

    Hey man. Well, I definitely like the journal approach and I completely understand the rigors of parenting / writing. I would like to encourage you to continue man. I've been reading your Battle Tech Universe parady... it's really funny and you've managed a real depth to the universe in a very short amount of space.

    The only way that I have gotten what I have so far (which I think is very little) is from limiting everything else. No TV watching, no reading and the occasional movie with the wife.

    I appreciate you taking a look at the blog though, man. If you get the extra bit of time - any feedback you can give would be awesome. :)
