Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One of those days...

Today started out auspiciously. Carrie's boss talked to her Monday about a job that may be opening up where she would be able to work from home and have a guaranteed position for up to five years! That would've been incredible!


Instead, it turns out that Carrie's boss got fed up with his higher ups and he's decided to retire at the beginning of June. What will happen to my wife's job when he goes is anyone's guess.  Then, there was a phone call that evaporated Carrie's chance of getting the at home job. It doesn't matter that her boss wanted her to have it and that she'd be better at it. It's now "unavailable."

Poor Carrie. We've known that her job would only last as long as her boss kept working, but we'd been expecting him to hang around another year and a half or so.

My day went pretty poorly as well. I forgot my lunch in the refrigerator, had the laminator mangle some lab aides I'd been working on, had a redundant training eat up my planning period, an AP was supposed to speak to the class during my LS then never showed, and right before boot camp I found out there was an "incident" between some students in one of my classes that I have no idea what it is and no one told me. The kid responsible had lunch detention with me today and now he's going to have AIA tomorrow. He's not a bad kid, but he's pretty impulsive so I'm wondering if he made an inappropriate comment.  Kids getting in trouble in a class happens to every teacher. I don't like not knowing what happened and that no one bothered to tell me since it was in my class. Hopefully, that mystery will be solved tomorrow.

The rest of the day passed quietly. I weeded the heck out of my garden and Shane and I took an unplanned nap on the floor when he got home. Carrie said I was knocked out for about an hour and got a kick out of the red marks on my face from sleeping on something. Now, it's time to go up to bed and face tomorrow.

The best thing about a day like this is that it always seems like it's downhill from here on out. It's best to pray for peace, grit your teeth, and get rolling towards the better times. There are two days to the weekend and the start of SOLs! I actually like SOL week. It's the prep beforehand that's rough, but the week tends to fly by. Then there's a two-hour early release Friday, a three-day weekend from Memorial Day, and my birthday.  Carrie will probably be doing more riding lessons over the coming weeks as well. She's found a fair-sized group of people that she really enjoys working with.

Anyway, better times are definitely ahead. I'm making a promise to myself I'll talk about Shane next post instead of boring work stuff.

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