Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm pumped. Confused as all get out, but pumped!  I just got shipped a package of Starcraft 2 from Activision-Blizzard and I don't have a clue why!  I checked the "bill to" part on the packing slip, but it just listed the address of Blizzard in Los Angeles (according to Google at least).  I was too excited at first to think straight, but I started to wonder if maybe it's some sort of delayed congratulations gift. Mike Dexter had mentioned sending me something, but I assumed he'd been talking about something for Shane (since he has babies on the mind in his life). Could this have been from him? Either way, I'm still pumped.  I just played the first couple of missions and it's good fun.

Today was also fun because I got to use a buy 1 get 1 free coupon at a new, locally owned pizza place. The owner introduced himself on the phone when I made my order. The verdict?  Good pizza!  It's not the best I've ever had, but with the coupon it was definitely worth it.

Pizza and a new game....life was nice when I got home!  Carrie had to go to do some riding lessons (she's starting to form a bit of a clientele) so I ended up babysitting Shane for the first three and a half hours I was home, but the weather was awesome and he was in a happy mood. It's work, but I do like to be with my son. It'll be even more fun once I can take him out and play catch and tag.  He's grabbing at things far more often. He reaches out to stuff on his exercaucer and tries to grab or even spin some of the larger objects some. His accuracy is wanting, but the determination to do 'something' with his hands is apparent. He's clocking in just under 19 pounds now and he wears 9 month+ clothing at 5 months. Want to bet he dwarfs Daddy at some point?

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