Saturday, June 9, 2012

Home Again

We're here.

There's still 2,000 and 1 things to be done, but our whole family is home at last. Grandma drove Shane up to visit and he brought a few new words with him ("Uh Oh!").

I'd write more, but I'm about to go clean up and unpack again. Carrie and I took a short break to watch Korra, and after she went to bed I went on a quick drive around the neighborhood to see where all the noise was coming from. Apparently, the local high school is in a state tournament and the sound carries really far. It's not so much that I'm bothered by it, as I'm really looking to figure out the lay of the land. Every area has its own idiosynchracies and figuring them out is half the fun (or challenge if it's a not so pleasant surprise).

I really like the feel of this house. Who knows? Maybe we won't move in 5 years and this could be our final destination. For now, I just need to unpack enough that I feel like I'm living in a house and not a box fort. (Not that box forts aren't cool, but there's too much stuff in my boxes to crawl through.)

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