Saturday, June 16, 2012

Shane’s New Vocab

Shane returned from his vacation at Grandma’s with some new vocabulary!

Grandma brought him in and the little tyke immediately started to tear around the new house and check the baby gates’ structural integrities (they held). Next, he found some balls and started throwing them through the gate leading downstairs.

“Uh oh!”

I was shocked.

Another ball was lost down the steps. “Uh oh!”

Then Shane ran into the living room and pointed up at the ceiling fan. “See!?...See!?”

My son was only out of my sight for a few nights. It’s amazing how fast things can change in that short of a time. It goes in a blink. I do think it’s good to put a kid out of their element/routine every now and then for their development, but a part of you hopes that you’ll be the driving force behind your kid’s growth.

We’re still working on Shane saying “Mama.” At this point, I think he’s trying to spite us or just can’t figure out why we’re always saying it, heh. This week, I thought some of his normal jabber sounded like “Blue” and “Green” while we were reading his truck book.

Of course, I’ll have to watch what I say around Shane. I don’t want any ‘Uh-ohs!’

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