Thursday, June 28, 2012

Shane's Temper

Everyone has a vice as they grow, and I suspect Shane's will be his temper. When he doesn't get his way, he lets you know quickly and violently.

Yes, violently.

At first, it was head banging. Now, he hits things. Whenever he gets mad and starts swinging his right arm around, I say "No hit." Shane hates hearing the word "no." Normally he swings again at something, or looks me in the eye and raises his right arm straight up like he's going to whack something. If he does, I say "time out" and drop him in the playpen in the living room and walk around the corner. Crying ensues.

Shane's a smart boy. When he looks me in the eyes and raises his arm, you can see the gears turning. I can see "Who's the boss?" flashing in his head. He then decides "I am!" and takes a swing. The cold splash of reality that puts him in the playpen upsets him and then he starts to protest to see if he'll get his way that route.

It's all part of parenting, though. This is just my quick "this is work and not all roses and sunshine" post. I love my boy, but his shit does stink. 

And so begins the battle for discipline that will last until Shane is fully independent and living on his own. I have to stay mostly positive and constructive, and he gets to test me whenever, wherever, and however he wants. It seems like the kids have a few advantages in this contest, doesn't it? I guess I worked all those to my advantage growing up, so it's only fair to be on the other side of the fence now.

Until next time!

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