Thursday, June 14, 2012

Life in the Box Fort

On Friday, the paperwork was signed, the keys turned over, and we moved in to our new house. Saturday, Shane returned from his trip to Grandma’s to test our child-proofing. This week, contractors and radon testers have come and gone. Thursday, our POD will hopefully be carted off this time.

It’s beginning to feel more and more like home.

It still feels a little like living in a box fort. Unfortunately, the boxes are all full of stuff, so you can’t crawl through them. Carrie’s got riding lessons and is going out of town Thursday through Sunday, so it will probably stay like that for a little while longer.

We’ll get there.

So far, I really like the new neighborhood. There’s no HOA, so there’s a bunch of different house types and customizations to look at. It’s peaceful, but not cookie cutter. It doesn’t have all the paths and playgrounds our old home was nestled in, but Shane likes cruising around all the same. Besides, there are plenty of sticks laying around for him to pick up.

So far, the main floor is 80% assembled. Baby gates are up in any areas that are not, and life goes on. The upstairs is more of a mess. Whoever is watching Shane can’t go up there to unpack and if there’s only one person home zilch gets done. Plus, we discovered a new problem with or dryer installation and can’t do any laundry yet.

New house, new challenges. That’s just the way home ownership goes. Maybe constructing a new house is different, but I doubt it. A house is work.

Thankfully, they’re also a home. I think we’ll like it here.

PS – I’m glad that the first house didn’t pan out. The location was much more convenient, but I like the setup of this house much better. For one, it has more parking space and a two-car garage. That will come in handy if one of my friends ends up renting out our basement.

PPS - There was a lot of work done today. Screws tightened on leaking sinks and toilets, IKEA set up a bookshelf and couch, and Grandma swept up broken glass from when the new garage door was installed and they broke a window. Carrie left at 8 AM this morning to teach two riding lessons, and then came home to shower and then drive out to Claytor Lake State Park. I rushed home after work to relieve Grandma of Shane duty, and now I'm about to work on grades I should have done at school. Shane? He's napping. It's great timing for me. Post a quick blog post, and then VPN in to my gradebook. If I get enough done now I may set up the Super Nintendo after Shane goes to bed. Awwww, yeah.

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