Monday, June 15, 2015

Scoping Out the Parks

Carrie worked Saturday, so Shane and I followed our usual pattern. This time we went to check out a park we keep driving by.

The playground passed muster.

We saw a train go by.

We checked for hobbits.

The baseball fields were the real star, though. I counted five diamonds (one was clearly for pee wees). We watched a team practice in the heat.

Well, I watched the team practice while Shane shook the batting cage net.

The coach told his team to drop into their ready position and take two steps forward whenever the pitcher threw the ball. He coached them to "attack the ball" and "always know where you'll go!" (which base to throw to). It brought back memories from my own little league days. I hope Shane will play!

For now, he was much more interested in the field equipment and the fields than the game played on them.

We explored an unused dugout...

...and got dirty.

Very dirty.

Shane likes dirt. I read somewhere it's good for you. I sent Carrie some pics to get a reaction.

If you know me, you heard my smirk after that last sentence. Shane took a bath later.

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