Monday, December 27, 2010

A Belated Merry Christmas!

Merry belated Christmas!

Christmas started awesome. My wife and I were able to actually get a few spurts of sleep in between feedings. We didn't rise until after noon. Shane, the little bugger, started cluster feeding like crazy the day before. Carrie was worried that she wasn't producing enough milk, because the little stink was insatiable. He drained all the milk from mom and all of the energy from mom and dad combined. Dr. Google said that he's probably having his first growth spurt. Sleeping in Christmas morning was exactly what Carrie and I needed.

Around 3:30, my family dropped by to visit. It was great! I haven't seen them nearly enough lately. The truth is, I've been feeling somewhat isolated. My wife has been feeling uncomfortable and very anxious since the pregnancy, so we haven't had many visitors for her health and sanity. Stress caused her to go into an early labor at around 26 weeks, so I didn't really push for many visitors. We just focused on trying to keep her relaxed and as comfortable as possible. Carrie's parents came up to visit multiple times and Carrie's mom came up  for almost a week to help with the new baby (a huge thank you), but aside from them, next to no one was able to visit.

Anyway, the family + Billy came up and that was awesome. Christmas is supposed to be spent with your loved ones. It was great to hear everyone laughing and talking. My family is extremely full of life (aka: not quiet). Also, I was extremely excited to show everyone my son for the first time. Aside from Mom and Dad, the rest of my friends and siblings haven't met Shane. Carrie didn't want any visitors at the hospital, and because I wasn't the one in pain from surgery I didn't press for it (I would've loved to have had a revolving door of friends and family, but needs come before wants.) My mom got to hold Shane for the very first time, and I had a great time catching up with everyone and opening presents. We'd bought some Chocorooms from Costco as a gag gift (if you see the box, you'll know what I'm talking about) to go along with all of our gifts. My family was extremely generous as well. Patrick in particular. With no job, and no income, he brought a box of books, a DVD, and some Amazon gift cards. Christmas Eve, his "finger slipped" and he "accidentally" bought me a game on Steam as well. Where'd he get the money? Drugs? Nay. It was his inheritance from when Grandpa passed away. Thanks Pat. Billy was there too, because "Mom had called in the muscle" to help Matt drag in a mini-fridge that we'd gotten off Once again, thank you to everyone for coming to visit!

This journal got interrupted just like all of my last attempts. Shane finished eating at 10:20 with Carrie and I sent her to bed. In the past 3 hours, Shane has been wide awake for all but 30 minutes, drank 2 similac bottles, had four dirty diapers, and had me play pacifier patrol. I eventually had to wake up Carrie because he's still hungry. Last night, he'd driven her to the brink. She was in tears and stressed and at the end of of her rope. I sent her to bed and I ended up sleeping on the floor in Shane's room and feeding him formula to get Carrie a long rest. It did the trick, and she was ready for action the next morning and made me feel like a million dollars with her thanks. 

Carrie's still feeding so I should go back upstairs. Hopefully I wasn't gone too long to finish this. 

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