Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ready for the night shift

Went upstairs at 4 and slept from 5-8ish. The shift started off pretty slow. It's like little Shane is trying to recover from being so hyper last night. Well, we also made some strategic changes during the day. Grandma Nancy picked up a different kind of pacifier when I noticed he didn't like his current ones as much as he'd liked the ones at the hospital. We've also stopped using all the 'swaddle mes' and 'sleepsacks.' Shane does much better in a simple swaddle. It's too bad all of the receiving blankets we received are too small for him. I could do a baby burrito wrap in the blankets we had, but he's too strong. He powers right out of it. Thankfully, we had a couple from the hospital that are just the right size (for now).

All of the literature I've read talks about how parents have to be careful nothing covers a baby's face because they aren't strong enough to clear their airways. Shane can buck like a bronco. I tried putting him in the bouncer yesterday in a 'swaddle-me' (which leaves his legs semi free) and he was flipping on his left and right and trying to bridge right out of the sucker. If we don't swaddle him before trying to feed, he can use his arms to push himself off Carrie's chest before he latches. Let me tell you, we may have a future sports star in the making here. With as much as he's eating, I wonder if he'll grow into some of the height on Carrie's side of the family.

So far, things have been more intense than I had expected. I'd imagined watching SG-1 with Carrie whenever the baby was on sleep breaks, but it doesn't work like that. I imagined that I'd work on some writing too. What I'm really doing is checking every five minutes or so to make sure nothing is blocking Shane's nose. He flinches and I'm grabbing a pacifier, just in case. I could have accomplished quite a few things when I started my shift if I'd realized he was going to sleep like a rock the first two and a half hours. What I did was sit on the couch watching the Santa Clause 3 and keep a constant vigil so that I could guarantee Carrie some sleep time.

I'm  looking forward to tomorrow. I think we're getting better and better and the whole parenting thing and every day is one more day towards walking, talking, and playing catch. My parents are supposed to visit, and Carrie's dad is coming up for the day as well. Scheduling all of that may be a pain, but I want to show my boy off. On top of all that, it's football day. That seems like good baby programming. I don't have to watch every play and even the commercials tend to be funny. If I miss something, they'll show a replay if it was something worth watching. If it was really worth watching, they'll show it in an endless loop to make sure that I see it, remember it, and talk about it with all of my friends. Football's like that.

Well, blog for the night is done. I planned ahead of time, and dropped my bible off in the room. I plan on doing some of my Sunday worship in the quiet with my son.

Stay classy.

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