Saturday, December 11, 2010

Goodbye Hospital, Hello Home

Shane has arrived and sleep has left the building. I pulled an all-nighter last night. I would've typed in my blog, but it was an active all-nighter. Did I get to sit around and watch my boy sleep? No, sir! He had me walking, talking, dancing, singing, and cleaning poop under threat of crying and waking Carrie. At one point, he dozed off in my lap in a chair for close to two hours. The chair didn't recline, and the room temperature dropped to the point my shivering forced me to get up, waking him. He was such a good sleeper at the hospital, that I can't help but think it was some sort of ploy to make sure we didn't leave him there. Anyway, I stayed up until 7:30ish when I woke my mother in law to take over so I could sleep until 10.

Poor Carrie has it rough. I was able to give her some windows to sleep, but anxiety and pain kept her from being able to do so. With the tears and obvious pain, I don't know how much longer we'll keep up the breastfeeding. Shane did a number on Carrie's boobs leaving nasty looking welts and breaking the skin before we discovered the joys that are a nipple shield. He's got a great grip and she pays the price. There's also the back pain from the epidurals, the blister the size of a 5 inch caterpillar on her thigh, the incision from the surgery... First thing I did this morning, was fill all of her pain med prescriptions and pick up a heating pad to hopefully sooth some of the muscle ache.

Shane is sleeping soundly at the moment (unlike last night). I could have killed our motion-detecting monitoring system when it blurted out a false alarm and almost woke the boy up. Thankfully, I'm in the room typing so I was able to blast off from the glider and turn it off in a hurry. Unlike Carrie, I'm not chained to feeding time so I can take a nap if I need to later. Lack of sleep won't kill me though (mind over matter), so I'm going to try and use my waking hours as best I can to take care of things or sit in the baby's room to lower her anxiety or whatever it is I can do to make things easier on her.

On a plus note, the pharmacist at Wahlgreen's told me she had a four-month year old and that things would get better! I didn't get a receipt for that advice, but I'll let it slide this time. Keep praying for us!

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