Saturday, December 4, 2010

Two days until BBDay

Two days until "Baby Birthday" and counting.

I'm going to be off work for the next 8 weeks or so thanks to FMLA leave. I have the sick leave saved up so that I'll be paid throughout (nice!), but I'm still worried that my classroom is going to explode while I'm gone. Logic tells me that it won't, and maybe it's just pride that makes me think I'm that integral to how things work, but the feeling remains. I stayed late Thursday and Friday trying to make sure everything was ready. I know I forgot things, and I hope Mrs. Mitchell will be able to improvise. One of my students has been DREADING her impending arrival. He even wrote down "Mrs. Mitchell" for the answer to his bonus question on a quiz yesterday. The Question? "When does the nucleus disappear and when does it reappear in mitosis?' Clearly, his mind was on other things!

Last night, I couldn't really focus on much. I watched some TV and played some games (lost), but I kept thinking about BBday. I think a lot of it was also just worrying about my classroom/job. Today, we slept way in (later than I wanted, but Carrie sleeps better if I hang around), and we've done a ton of work since. Hours and hours of laundry, cleaning, cat pots, and trying to make sure that the house will survive on its own for a few days and be ready for us when we return with Shane in tow.

My wife has decided to hover over my shoulder at the moment. She's been trying to entice me to watch SG-1 while I've been writing this. First, she started singing the song, then she prepped the PS3 and has been watching the back of my head, and now she's hovering behind me. Do you think she's looking forward to it?  Thankfully, I happen to love SG-1 as well, so I'm off for now!

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