Monday, May 21, 2012

Short on time! Short on time!

The clock is ticking down on many things in my life right now. 18 work days with students left; 15 calendar days until I move out of my home for the past two years; 18 calendar days until I move into my new home; 2 day left of standardized tests, and 3 days left until Shane's allergy tests.

Tick, tick, tick, the clock keeps on moving.

My sister is at 3 days past her due date now. She's scheduled for an induction this Friday if there's no progress. My Jama may be coming up to visit and perhaps live with my parents Friday, as well. Nine days have passed since I tried to patch things up with John and failed.

Life is busy. It's interesting to me, but tiring nonetheless. Perhaps if I focused this blog on something other than myself, I'd have a lot more viewers, but this is supposed to be cathartic.

In that, it is a success.

After Lent, I had some game playing time for several hours over the course of a week until the laptop died. Since, then I've been video game free. It's not the life I pictured for myself, but it works. Normally, I'm burnt out and tired at this time of year (check), and the move and Shane take up a lot of my down time when I get home. Summer is looking better and better, but I'm also proud. Tired, but proud. I've worked harder and done more since Shane has been born than ever.

I wouldn't call it a sign of the recession, but look at my class numbers since I started work at my current school.
2008 - 2 Science SC classes (6 kids in one, 10 kids and an Aide in the other)
2009 - 1 Science SC (15 kids, 2 teachers) 1 Math SC (16 kids, 2 teachers) and 1 BSR (9 kids + Aide)
2010 - 2 Science SC (6 kids + 1 Attendant, and 14 kids) and 2 Math SC (6 and 15 kids)
2011 - Not telling. (It's too current in case a kid or parent somehow Googles this).

The number of kids kept on growing, while the amount of support shrank. This year was similar, but there were some things outside of the school's control that made things interesting (surgeries, maternity leaves, my AP giving a kid CPR, etc). I'd love to write stories and tales of all my students and adventures, but I believe pretty strongly in maintaing confidentiality. Certainly, anyone who wasn't in my classes should not be able to learn any particulars about any student of mine from reading this. If I met you in person, I could tell some funny annecdotes, but I'm not posting anything on the internet where I cannot control the audience (it's called discretion and many of today's students seem to lack that skill).

Anyway, that's going to be the end of this post/rant/whatever it was. Suffice to say, I'm anxious for each day to pass as event after event transpires. I want to meet my sister's son, move, and survive another school year.

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