Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Like, whoa busy

Life has been way busy lately.

Some highlights:

-Shane's allergies are still going full force. He was a sniffly, snot-dripping, cough-fest today.
-He also got his head stuck in the cat door today. I got the phone call from Carrie while I was at work.
-I was at work until close to 6 PM today getting ready for being out to do the portfolio assesments
-Carrie went through hours of phone time today working on the mortgage documentation
-She was also stressed out from our jerky lead testing contractor who showed up an hour and a half late on Tuesday. He lied on the phone to Carrie, and then the seller's agent about being "10 minutes away" at the 30 and 60 minute late marks. He added a surcharge to the bill, too. What a dick.
-Packing and weeding through old items has begun.
-Shane is incredibly athletic for a baby his age. He can already climb ladders, chairs, tables, and get just about anywhere you think he can't. I'm both proud and exhausted from chasing after him whenever he's awake.
-We're still rocking no computers. I haven't had time to play a video game, though, so I guess it's not much of a loss. I'd update my journal more, but there's normally not a lot of time.
-Plus, I don't want my lack of time to sound like whining. Life is just busy with working, parenting, buying and selling houses. God has blessed us greatly with our son, our jobs and our opportunities.
-I'm looking forward to summer, though. A break from the ever present drama of working in a school will be nice.
-Oh, and no word on the new job bit. I sent my resume in for two positions a couple of weeks ago, and I've heard nil since. There's two more opportunities that just popped up (including my alma mater) I plan on applying to. Hopefully, someone will bite. There's a lot of competition it seems.
-There've been good/funny stories too, but there will be more to come. I can't write down everything, since I'm too busy living it! That's not a bad thing in the long run. I wonder if I'll ever re-read this post or just glance over it and say "Nah. There's something more interesting to read elsewhere." I guess this is more of a "post so I don't feel like I'm negelcting the blog" post.
-I love bagels now and forever.
-...and don't forget tea. The best drink ever.
-If I stop drinking it, the caffeine monkey will make my head hurt.
-I'm going to stop rambling and go wash baby bottles now.

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