Monday, January 6, 2014

Back to School....and out the Next Day

Today was the first day after break. It was a busy rush trying to pick up all the different balls that I had rolling weeks before. Deadlines don't grow more distant over vacation. I was glad to get back in the saddle again.

Today was also the first day I've seen school canceled due to it being too cold outside. I am a-okay with getting another day off, too!

It's currently 10 degrees and feels like -10 according to

That "arctic vortex" is pushing through.

Several of our surrounding counties called it off during the school day; one county was closed today for 42 degrees and light rain (the wimps).

I figured there was a 50/50 chance of school being cancelled. Everyone else was doing it, and we have a lot of elementary students who walk to school.

Since we're not used to negative wind chills many of the younger students from less affluent families may not have the gear to be out for long. For a one day record low, it doesn't seem worth the risk to me either.

Then the cynic in me wants to point out another reason to close: lawsuits. It seems like everyone in this county has a lawyer friend or a Senator or a representative of the House in the family around here. Public buses spot ads for lawyers who will "fight for you." There definitely a segment of sue-happy crusaders looking for a cause or (for the more disreputable ones) a chance to milk someone's mistake.

The vast majority of parents aren't like that, but believe you me they are out there. Once, I had one advocate sit in on an IEP for an old student. I was told my Masters in Special Education was worth nothing and asked what qualified me to teach her client's child.

I was stunned.

The parent and advocate both told me they thought I did a fine job with the student moments before. I was told the student loved me and they appreciated the progress he made before they turned on the tape recorder and proceeded to try and ramrod us.

They smiled and shook hands when they left. Nothing personal. Twas only a crusade to change the way my state looks at education and it didn't matter how well my school happened to do things. In a way, I bet the parent had mixed feelings. Her child received a fair shake and the help needed, but if he hadn't she may have had a stronger case to push upwards.

It's an imperfect system.

Who cares right now? I am getting a day off tomorrow due to it being chilly out.

That's pretty cool!

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