Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals for 2014

A new year means new goals.

Yes, I still think it's important to come up with them. It's easy to get lost in the day to day and the week to week. Taking a moment to come up with some goals can be really helpful for making sure that I'm not wandering through the year aimlessly.

Plus, I like checklists.

Well, really I like checking things off checklists, but you have to have a checklist to do that.

Goals for 2014

1. Make a list so I can check this off.  Sweet.

2. Keep reading - I read the Bible this past year, and I'm glad I did it. What's the next step? To keep reading, of course! I was thinking I'd work on re-reading parts of the Bible, but adding in some Tozer, C.S. Lewis and maybe some Strobel or the like.

3. Start writing again - I don't mean on my blog either. Waaaaaaaaaaay back when, I started this blog as an attempt to become more serious about writing. I spelled it out then! I had a private LiveJournal before that I started shortly before finding out Carrie was pregnant that was for much the same purpose.

Shane took over. Even from when Carrie was still pregnant, he started exerting his importance and taking over. I archived some of my early writing attempts and I've never gone back to it.

Years later, I'm still blogging. It's funny having so much of my old thoughts in writing to look at. In 2011, I mentioned a goal of posting "once a week!" Then my goal for 2013 started me on a Bible reading regimen. It got me in the habit of reading again, and with reading came the next thought: "Why couldn't I start trying to write something again?"

I always thought it would be neat to have a job I could do anywhere and at any time, and I have always enjoyed telling stories. Writing this blog has been good for me. Sometimes it helps me organize my own fragmented thoughts and forces me to reflect on things in a more disciplined/less-scattered manner.  These goal posts are a prime example.

I have many reasons to write; maybe it's time to take a stab at writing fiction again.

4. Exercise - Here's your typical aging male goal. It doesn't make it less true. I'm not as in shape as I used to be and I'd like to get a little bit of it back. I haven't gone to fat or anything. Wrestling has made me eternally aware of my weight, but I'm not as strong as I used to be. Maybe I'd have more energy around Shane if I didn't run out of breath and my muscle didn't protest so quickly.

5. Proactively prioritize my family - I like to think I already prioritize my family, but I threw in that "proactive" word. I'd like to plan to take part in my trips/vacations to see family, keep re-connecting with my old friends who I consider family, and plan ahead on activities/opportunities for Shane. I am more reactive than proactive now. Actually, with my personality I will probably forever be more reactive than a sit and think months in advance planner, but I'm open-minded about working for some improvement.

6. Find an opportunity to serve - Faith without service is fruitless. You can't earn your way into God's good graces, but it should be a normal sign of inward change. Frankly, it's good for you, too! I used to do a lot of different volunteer work and church service before moving out, working full time, getting married and having a kid. It'd be nice to find a local opportunity that I felt called into/connected to. Stacking chairs at the end of the last service on Sunday is a small start, but I feel the need to look for something more.

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