Monday, September 24, 2012

Resurrected: Whoa

I totally forgot.

On a whim, I remembered my actual login for my old journal. I knew I had some posts that I'd blocked from public consumption, but I didn't remember I started to post on my old livejournal again BEFORE I started this blog. The posts were all marked Private and aside from my old friend Kevin (who I need to call again) no one could really see them.

It's weird.

Has my writing changed that much from this blog? It has been going on for a couple of years, but still...

A lot of what I wrote I clearly wasn't planning for open posting. The writing style felt more like I was trying to remember events in a list sometimes than tell a story. There's one post about "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!" that was hilarious to read, but has a little TMI for the internet in my opinion. Maybe I'll go through and edit it and post it later.

Also, the editing on some of these old posts bothers me. I don't usually re-read before I post, but I would have thought spell-check was within my repertoire!

Here's a sample of a post I found. It came after my initial post about possibly being a parent when I knew the pregnancy was really real.


It's official.  Carrie and I are going to be parents.  It's hard to describe how excited I am.  I came home and rushed to greet Carrie.  I was calling people on the way home from work and grinning big.  Bill and Igor were highly excited for me.  Matt called later all pumped up.  I joked multiple times that "I'm just glad I beat Patrick to it!" (Sorry, Patrick).  We were going to try and get people to gather at the Fortune House, but only Bill and Dan were available.  (It was DnD night and Igor had a class and possible midterm....lame.)

I've told the story many times today.  The story start with Carrie and I talked about having children in February or January.  I was the one who wanted to start trying for children around the year anniversary mark.  I think part of it was I was afraid if I didn't get started at some point, I'd just be too content with what I had to ever really rock the boat.  I'd been thinking about things, and I didn't want to be 47 when my first child first went to college.  I wanted to be younger and healthier so that I could play more sports and see my own grandkids one day.  I feel so blessed to have my family, and I want to start my family.  Carrie was more hesitant and wanting to wait a little longer.  However, she thought about things and soon became an ardent support of having kids. ASAP.  Igor phrased it as I "activated the want to have a baby gene" when we had the discussion.  I can't claim there's much science behind his assertion, but I don't particularly care.  Carrie went off of birth control and it was agreed that we'd try soon.  If you read my last post, you'd see more about what happens next.  

To skip a few beats, Carrie had an appointment to draw blood and test for pregnancy yesterday. The results were supposed to be given to us by noon.  I had my phone on at school so I could receive Carrie's text.  Things didn't go according to schedule.  At noon, Carrie called for the results.  The office was closed for lunch.  It stayed closed for lunch until the nurses returned an hour and a half later.  Could I have that job?  I worked straight through my off period and my lunch today at a two hour IEP meeting.  Hell, when I get a lunch it's 25 minutes and I work through most of them.   Still, It's hard to stay angry with them because Carrie got the results we were hoping at close to four.  I called to chat with her and share the joy while I was watching kids waiting for the late buses. I've spent so much time on the phones since, that I'm sure Stu is going to call me for the first time in his life.  Then he's going to tell me I"m over my minutes!

Carrie's sleeping on the couch as I write this.  I know she's just as eager as I am.  She passed out after we watched our DS9 episode and I went to work cleaning up her plates and tissues and things so I could run the dishwasher.  Jack is purring in my lap and I think I'm going to try to relax for a short while before heading up to bed.

G'night world, from a man predicting to be a father on December 11th.

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