Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Muay Thai Three

Carrie and I switched at the last minute and I went to Muay Thai on Monday. We spent most of the class working on the basic stance, footwork, and an advancing 1-2.

The hardest part for me? Keeping my toes and knees pointed outward and not bending my knees too deeply.

It's one of those stupidly small things that makes a big difference.

In wrestling, the whole object way to stay low and spread your base for balance. You had to be ready to sprawl at a moment's notice if your opponent came in on you. In Muay Thai, the coach keeps yelling "Stand tall!" It's the opposite of what my muscles are trying to remember to do.

The knee being turned outwards is another oddity for me. The whole point is to be able to defend yourself from leg kicks. My foot keeps turning so that it's pointing forward. I feel like I'm devoting a large part of my conscious thought to keeping that foot and knee turned outward enough and my hips square that it's hard to complete the necessary 1-2 motions fluidly. It's something I'm going to have to drill on my own if I don't want to go back to square one in class each week. My body is ingrained with a different pattern and I need the Muay Thai pattern to make learning new moves easy and effective.

Shorter class = Shorter update.

Night for now!

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