Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School's in Session

Nana asked if Carrie took a "Back to School" picture of me the other day.


School is in session, though. The needs this year are different than in previous years, so I'm going to have to modify a lot of my materials. To some degree, I do that every year, but this year will be markedly different. I'm not going to post about any of my kids or exact needs up here, because the internet is forever. Plus, "the e in email is for evidence." That's something I heard last year, but they're saying it even more this year. I assume that applies to blog posts, too. Confidentiality is the name of the game in my world.

Still, it looks like it could be a very good year. My class sizes are more balanced, I have support in one of them, and just maybe I can make a difference.

Teachers salivate at that phrase: "make a difference." Watch just about any teacher motivational video and you'll hear it. Its what we all want to do on some level. Even the most jaded, lazy, or misguided teacher wants to think that some student somewhere will attribute some success to their teaching or personality.

Hopefully, I'll be a teacher who does make a difference in at least one of my students' lives this year.

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